What is carbon footprint? It's a measure method that illustrates how much the human can affects the environment because of the activities in stead of greenhouse gases. The carbon footprint also measured capacity of carbon dioxide that we factorized it.
From this website http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ that calculates the carbon footprint, I found that my footprint is 4.50 and this is a very high level because it is dangerous level which is harmful for environment. Now I will outline the reasons that consists my carbon footprint and I will mention the solutions to reduce and banned my carbon footprint.
There are several factors that can contain my carbon footprint level. The major factor is my traveling by airplane which burned a massive size of carbon dioxide. The next main problem is that I spent more than five hours every day driving my car from home to college and driving all over Abu Dhabi. Another issue is eating meat and fish and the difficulties to be a vegetarian because I want gain some weight.
As a solution to reduce my carbon footprint is try to change my way of transportations as much as possible, from cars and airplanes to bicycle or even walking. Another solution is to reduce the time of driving my car in the street and try to find something else to do like reading. The last solution but not the least is to change my food system to a healthy diet at least because it's hard to me to be vegetarian.
To conclude, the solutions to reduce my carbon footprint are a lot, but the problem is to apply these solutions to the real life.

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